The 4 Phases of Purpose

There is a time for narrow focus and a time for wide exploration.

The trick is learning to sense what you are meant to be doing right now.

In my experience, there is a 4 phase cycle

that your Purpose moves through:

Phase 1:  Exploration

Phase 2:  Discernment

Phase 3:  Focus

Phase 4:  Completion

Sometimes the cycle only lasts weeks or months.

Other times, this cycle can last decades.

What's important is to keep a pulse on your Purpose,

to know what phase you are in

so you can act in alignment with that phase.

I recently found myself trying to force Focus.

I was attempting to manufacture specific goals,

a narrow direction for my life and work,

and it just wasn't working.

I told myself it was because I wasn't fully committing,

I was being lazy or undisciplined.

Then I went on a retreat for a few days

and felt something inside me say,

"Wait. Stay open. It's not time to Focus yet."

Trying to force Focus

when you're actually in a phase of Exploration

will only result in frustration or burnout.

Or trying to Discern your next thing

when you're meant to be Completing your current season

will not prove to be fruitful.

Recognize the phase you are in with your Purpose

and then align yourself with what is required of that phase.

The 4 Phases of Purpose:

1. Exploration

Be open.  Read widely.

Have conversations with interesting people doing interesting things.

Follow whatever peaks your interest.

Travel to exotic places.

Watch weird documentaries.

Follow the breadcrumbs that seem to be calling your name.

Your aperture should be wide,

your mind open, not filtering or judging too quickly.

2. Discernment

Turn your spotlight inwards.

Spend more time in silence and solitude.

Go on long, reflective walks.

Assess what's going on in your internal world

and see what your internal compass is beginning to point towards.

Spend less time with interesting people

and more time with your trusted inner circle who know you well

and can help you get in touch with your next right move.

3. Focus

When you get the green light on your next move,

go all in.

Focus your efforts, energy, resources in that direction.

Unify your life around your discerned Purpose.

Adjust your sleep patterns, your eating habits,

your social circle, your information diet,

around your newfound Purpose.

If this level of your Purpose is a short sprint,

go all out.

If it's going to be a marathon,

you'll need to take breaks, vacations, sabbaticals,

but you will keep yourself oriented in this direction

until this layer of your Purpose has reached its end.

4. Completion

All things come to an end.

It may be of your choosing or it may not,

but your job is to see it through

and close out this season of your Purpose well.

You're not done until you have closed out the tasks,

the relationships, the responsibilities.

Don't leave loose ends or leaking energy.

Your next season of Purpose will flow (or not)

from how you ended this season.

End it with integrity and grace.

"To everything there is a season,

and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

Identifying where you are in the cycle of your Purpose

allows you to align (instead of grind against) where you're really at.

It may be frustrating if you desire to Focus

but you're meant to be Exploring.

Or if you desire to Complete

but there's still more for you to do where you're at.

This requires two things:

An understanding that there are larger cycles, phases, seasons

that you live within and can align with.

And that you have the ability to identify what phase you're in

through your intuition / inner knowing.

This is not easy for me.

I often want to believe that I can

create and do whatever I want, when I want.

And in some sense that is true.

But it feels like trying to swim upstream

if I'm not aligned with something larger and truer.

When I align to where I am truly at,

there is more flow, ease, joy.

It often feels more like floating downstream.

Brandon Hill

Brandon lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Ashley, where he eats ice cream and talks with new friends about religion and spirituality.


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